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Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum
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* Beyond description and those who seek to describe, *

Poems in honour of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al  Maktoum

Having no Peer

Beyond description and those who seek to describe,
Your rank O you who enhance all qualities.

Your name heads the tome of the immortals,
First and in the highest lines.

By your name alone you teach the wise,
The alpha and omega, O Symbol of Steadiness.

Long live O (Maktoum) of the shining countenance,
By which we travel on dark nights.

Generosity from you learned two things,
Generous patience and nobility.

Rain, ocean and lions in their dens,
Take from you lessons so clear.

And the sky and the mountains unbending,
Have drawn upon your glory and stature.

And you taught nights and years,
To obey you gladly and willingly.

Our Sheikh to whom we owe gratitude,
Creator of the nation's glories.

I confirm that you are without peer,
And nights* cannot bring forth your equal.

The moon and the sun, like me, confirm,
That your light illuminates darkness.

Your description, none will capture,
Beyond description, not limited to traits.

* Meaning time






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